Josh at the 2023 PA Winter Special Olympics

Last week, ATP’s Extrusion Manager and Professional Snowboarder Josh Wortman assisted with the 2023 Special Olympics Winter Games held at Seven Springs Mountain Resort in Pennsylvania. ATP team members collected socks, gloves, beanies, and bags for the athletes....

2023 Pricing, Terms & Conditions, and Freight Policy

2023 Pricing Adjustments Last fall, ATP announced that pricing increases were expected in February 2023. Last month we announced the figures and set an effective date of Feb 1, 2023. We expect this pricing to go live for tomorrow morning. ATP will honor any orders...

AME 2022

“Would you look at that!” ATP is setup at the 2022 Advanced Manufacturing Expo in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We’re located at booth 523, displaying tubing, fittings, and custom solutions to your manufacturing needs. Be sure to...

February 15, 2022 Pricing Adjustment

Dear ATP Customer, We are sending this notice to inform you of a necessary price adjustment beginning mid-February 2022. ATP has experienced increases in just about every expense involved in running our business. A few examples: • Drastic increases in raw material and...
Custom Works – Pre-Bent Tubing

Custom Works – Pre-Bent Tubing

Need some tubing that’s already baked into shape? Perhaps bending tubing for installation is proving to be problematic? ATP can bake tubing into a pre-bent assembly. This comes in handy for OEM applications where tight bends are necessary and your existing...