Memorial Day 2023

ATP will be closed on Monday, May 29 in observance of Memorial Day. Normal operations will resume on Tuesday, May 30. Have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend.

Install Day!

Exciting! New extrusion equipment being installed. We’ve worked really hard on equipment purchases, people, and policy changes to ensure customers’ needs are being met. There’s more coming.

ATP at Automate 2023

Here we are at Automate 2023, Booth 127. We’d be happy to see you visit. Pictured, our booth. Not Pictured, our literature rack (It was Stolen!)

2023 Fairbanks School District Scholarship(s)

Each year, ATP presents a $1,000 scholarship to an outstanding student pursuing a four-year degree. The ATP Community Committee bases its decision on criteria such as academic performance, accomplishments, and community involvement. This year, a significant number of...